
EHA is a 100% volunteer run organization. We appreciate your interest in helping us have a successful season. The following is a list of requirements and links for

ALL Board Members, Team Parents, Time keepers and Booster Club Volunteers must complete all steps below

USA Hockey Registration

All volunteers should register as a “volunteer/manager”(there is no cost).

You must send your number to the EHA Registrar at kmurch98@yahoo.com


All volunteers must complete Safesport training. This is an annual requirement. You can renew your safesport with-in 30 days of expiration. After completing it the first year you will then have shorter refresher courses the following years.

Please use the link through USA Hockey(provided below) for Safesport. Do not go directly to the Safesport website.

Please use a computer or Laptop NOT a phone to complete

Background Check

All volunteers must complete. This requirement is done once every 2 seasons. This can take up to 14 days to clear and you cannot participate as a volunteer or coach until it shows in our system as completed. There is a fee that will be reimbursed by EHA at the end of the season.

Please note that ALL must be completed before performing as a volunteer. 

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