Girls Clinic and Evals

EHA is introducing a new Girls program. Our Goal for the 2025-26 season is to create a girls team or teams that are meant to supplement their co-ed team.

This program is for female skaters that will be in the U10 and U12 Divisions for the 2025-26 season. Player must be born between 1/1/2013 and 12/31/2016

Program information

*Season will run from September- March

*1 practice per week

*1-2 games a weekend

*All practices and home games will be at Enfield Twin Rinks

*$1500 for season

2025-26 Evaluations

If you would like to be considered for our Girls team you must attend Evaluations


Wednesday March 19th


Saturday March 22nd


Enfield Twin Rinks-Rink 2

There is no cost for the evaluations

Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot find my USA Hockey number, what do I do?

If you are unable to find your current 2024-25 USA Hockey Please reach out to Registrar Kim Hatch at

Girls Evaluations

This Registration is for Evaluations for the 2025-26 Girls Team

There is no fee for the evaluations

Evaluations will be 3/19 at 6pm and 3/22 at 1:40pm

All will beheld at ETR

This Registration is open to female players born between 1/1/2013 and 12/31/2016

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