EHA’s Mini Mites(Instructional) Program allows skaters the opportunity to learn the game of hockey by working on their skills, both as an individual and with a team. At the core of the program will be FUN and FUNdamentals…we will work hard for your skater. Our coaches are experienced, USAHockey certified, and passionate about giving your skater a more individualized hockey experience.

Registration for the 2025-26 season will begin in April


Our program is open to skaters 5 and up with having done at least 1 session of Learn to Skate.


The season runs from September to March.


1/2 ice practices are held twice a week at Enfield Twin Rinks(ETR), 1 Prior Rd, Enfield, Ct.


Cross ice games will be held on Sunday mornings at The Olympia in West Springfield starting in Mid October.

We may add additional games with local organizations on the weekends


Game Jerseys will be supplied to the skaters at no additional cost

cost for 2025-26 season

The cost for the full 25-26 season $1350

$350 Commitment Fee is due at sign-up.

A payment plan is be available and will run from May-October. All payments will be made online. Electronic Checks are free. Credit or Debits cards will incur a fee.

Extra Costs

Each season skaters must get their Annual USA Hockey number which will insure a fee.

Any other costs are team based for extra activities such as Tournaments, parties team building activities etc.

USA Hockey Number

Every Skater is required to get a USA Hockey number each season. This will be required during registration. Please click below to get your 2025-26 Confirmation number

Frequently Asked Questions

What equipment is required?

Full Hockey Equipment is required, which is listed below:

  • Skates: hockey skates, used are fine, make sure they are sharp. Skates can be sharpened at DKs hockey shop (attached to Enfield Twin Rinks). New skates are not sharp so be sure to have them sharpened after your purchase.
  • Helmet: hockey helmets can be purchased at many different sporting good stores or at DKs hockey shop. It must have face cage or shield and fit firmly to the head.
  • Gloves: hockey gloves can also be purchased at most sporting goods stores, mittens are also fine for little ones until they graduate off the walker, then hockey gloves are necessary once stick skills begin.
  • Knee pads: hockey knee pads (shin guards) can be purchased at most sporting good stores, online or at DKs hockey shop
  • Elbow pads: can be purchased at most sporting good stores, online or at DKs hockey shop
  • Hockey pants: these provide padding for the backside! Can be purchased at most sporting good stores, online or at DKs hockey shop
  • Chest/shoulder pads: can be purchased at most sporting good stores, online or at DKs hockey shop
  • Neck guard: can be purchased at most sporting good stores, online or at DKs hockey shop
  • Hockey socks/jersey: eventually (not immediately), your player will need to have socks and a jersey. These are lighter weight and allow for better ventilation once they really get moving.
  • Where to find equipment:
  • Sporting Goods Stores: Dicks Sporting Goods, Play it Again Sports (used equipment), DKs hockey shop and Pure Hockey


Registration for the 2025-26 season will in SPRING OF 2025

If you would like more information about the program please reach out to Registrar Kim Hatch at

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