Evaluations for 2025-26 Season

Evaluations are used to make-up teams of similar skills for the travel season. Any skater that Evaluates with us will be placed on a Travel team for the 2025-26 season.

The First session for Squirts(U10) and PeeWees(U12) are separated by Last Name. Any changes to this will be emailed to families by 3/24.

The cost for the 3 session evaluations is $125.

There is a Goalie Evaluation that Full and Part Time(Squirt Level ONLY) Goalies must attend.

If your child wants to participate as a Full time Goalie they must evaluate as a Goalie ONLY during the other sessions.

All EHA skaters must have their 2024-25 Tuition paid in full to be allowed to participate in Evaluations.

Mites (2017 and younger)

Should have at least 1 season of Mini Mites

Dates & Times-all skates are 1 hour

3/24-4:50pm-All Skaters

3/26-6:00pm- All Skaters

3/28-4:50pm- All Skaters

Squirt (2015-2016)

Dates & Times-all skates are 1 hour unless noted

3/23- 8:40-9:50am-Goalies ONLY (Full and Part time)

3/24- 6:00pm-Last Names A-G

7:10pm-Last Names H-Z

3/26- 7:10pm -All Skaters

3/28- 6:00pm All Skaters

Pee Wee (2013-2014)

Dates & Times-all skates are 1 hour unless noted

3/23-8:40-9:50am-Goalies ONLY

3/26- 8:20pm- Last Name A-L

3/28- 7:10pm-Last Name M-Z

3/29- 2:30-3:50pm-All Skaters

3/30- 9:40am-All Skaters

What happens after Evaluations?

Team placements will be posted on the website no later than end of day on March 31st.

Registration for the 2025-26 season will open on April 1st and close on April 14th.

Spring 2025-26

This Registration is for Evaluations for the 2025-26 Travel Teams for Mites, Squirts and PeeWees.

Cost of Registration is $125

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