Join us on Dec. 4th for our Annual Family Skate and Coaches Game
Please join us on December 4th from 5:00 to 8:40 for the EHA Coaches Night! There will be raffle prizes from each team, pizza to purchase, a Chuck a Puck 50/50 raffle, and a shootout with EHA Players from U6 to U14 - not to mention your coaches battling it out on the ICE!
Raffles starts at 5:30pm and tickets are one for $2, three for $5, or a WINGSPAN for $20
5:45 – 6:45 – Family Skate
Skate rentals will be available from the Twin Rinks for $5. There is no cost for admission for EHA family members but we are asking for a donation of an unwrapped toy! (A waiver will need to be submitted for any skater)
5:45-6:45 - Vote for the Yearbook Cover - cover must be on a white piece of 8.5” x 11” paper, Include the year - 2024/2025 and name must be on the back of the paper or will not be considered.
6:50 – Chuck a Puck
One puck for $3 or Two pucks for $5
7pm – Shootout with EHA players (Coaches will be in contact with your individual teams about this!)
7:20 – Raffle winners announced 7:30 – Coaches Game ***Pizza will be sold tonight as well! Come hungry!!!***