Girls Travel team
EHA is introducing a new Girls program. Our Goal for the 2025-26 season is to create a girls team or teams that are meant to supplement their co-ed team.
This program is for female skaters that will be in the U10 and U12 Divisions for the 2025-26 season. Player must be born between 1/1/2013 and 12/31/2016
Our girls program is for skaters born between 2013 and 2016.
We will form a mixed team of U10 and U12 skaters
The season will run from September until March
Practices and home games will be at Enfield Twin Rinks, 1 Prior Rd, Enfield, CT
Practices will be Once a week
Games will be at least 1 per weekend
Travel games will be around Ct and Western Mass. with girl and coed teams
$1500 for the 2025-26 Season
$350 due at Registration and 6 payments of $191.67 will run from June -December
If your skater is also on an EHA Co-ed team payments would be $250 from June -December with nothing due at registration for this team
Jersey ordering information will be sent out in late Spring
There will be a cost for the jerseys
Extra Costs
Besides Jersey and USA Hockey number fees there maybe extra costs for team activities. Those extra costs would be determined at the team level.
You will be required to get a 2025-26 USA Hockey to register for our program.
You will be able to get your 2025-26 number after April 1st 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the payment plan work?
If you chose a payment plan for this year’s tuition, it is due on the 1st of the month. This is an automatic payment that will come from your credit card or checking account, depending on what account you used to pay your commitment fee with. This is new compared to our old website, where you had to log into your account and make the payment. Also, there are NO reminders sent from the website about the automatic withdrawals.
Registration for those picked to join our Girls Team will begin April 1st
Emails will be sent to those eligible to register